Monday, October 20, 2008

What is an Invisible Illness you ask?

An illness that causes people to say "But you don't look sick". In my case, it is Fibromyalgia, in others it may be RA or Lupus, or any number of other syndromes. We don't look sick, but we are..Enough about that for now..
I quilt when i can, some days it is like I am racing..trying to keep sewing while i am feeling good. Other days, I can't get up the energy or though the pain to go to the sewing room.
This is the start of my new blog...taking my frustrations and achievements to the world of blogging!


Kim said...

Hi Kim. I have the same. Makes life real hard much of the time, but I keep plugging away in spite of feeling completely bewildered as to why I just can't "do" the way I used to.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, I have suffered for over 15 years with Fibro. Hang in there girlfriend and it does help that others are out there and know the hell you are going through.

Kim said...

Thank yopu ladies! I know it is hard, but the quilting community is so helpful!
i decided to take on the little project of making the "Quilts for kids".. something i can finish and be proud of!